FaceTite Columbus Ohio

The natural aging process can lead to looser skin than desired, resulting in heaviness and sagging in the lower region of the face. A surgical facelift was traditionally the default remedy for addressing this issue – until now. Restoring the contours and firmness of your youth is now possible without the extensive recovery of invasive procedures.

FaceTite at Lotus Elite Aesthetics is a minimally invasive treatment that proves to be a great alternative to a facelift, bringing a dramatic improvement by contouring the facial tissue. Using radio frequency (RF) energy, FaceTite contracts and contours tissue safely in the sub-dermal plane. Substantial improvements can be seen in the firmness of the skin, and tightness of the neck.

Commonly referred to as a non-surgical facelift, FaceTite helps patients feel years younger, and enjoy undeniable confidence.

How FaceTite Works

FaceTite uses radio frequency (RF) to provide a directional thermal field, resulting in unparalleled fat coagulation and tissue remodeling of the face and other small areas. Platform dual temperatures offer safety and control, with precision energy concentrated solely on the treatment zone. No damage is done to the surrounding tissues while bringing results you can see and feel.

Increased collagen production further smooths deep lines in addition to addressing lax skin, with continual improvements made months after treatment.

FaceTite at Lotus Elite Aesthetics treats the following:

  • Facial contouring
  • Loose Skin
  • Double chin
  • Poor skin elasticity
  • Skin laxity
  • Small areas of the body

Precision facial contouring

The FaceTite treatment uniquely provides a dual action treatment that works synergistically to both reduce facial fat and contract the surrounding facial tissues to create beautiful contours and harmony in the face.

Fat reduction

FaceTite uses radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis to deliver similar results to surgical procedures. The radio frequency waves target the subcutaneous pockets of fat, revealing natural contours that lie underneath, without damaging the surrounding tissues. Fat cells are permanently destroyed, making this an effective treatment for eliminating stubborn fat that refuses to leave with diet and exercise.

Skin contraction

The overlying skin experiences total rejuvenation with the increased production of collagen working to remodel its structure, reducing the appearance of saggy skin. The radio frequency energy reaches the deeper layers of the skin to target the root cause of aging. As the skin and tissue contract, an improvement in skin laxity can be seen, and balanced facial proportions are achieved.

facetite columbus ohio


Improvements are typically observed within the following weeks of treatment; however, the full results will be revealed within 3-6 months as an increase in collagen production continually tightens and firms skin overtime.

Noticeable skin tightening effects will be seen along with a slimmer, sculpted appearance to the cheeks, jowls, and neck areas. The overall quality of the skin will be enhanced for a youthful and radiant appearance.

Am I a good candidate?

FaceTite is a gentle procedure that is non-invasive, making it suitable for all skin types. The most dramatic results will be seen in patients with moderate facial fat and skin laxity. Those who are looking to restore a youthful appearance and enhance facial definition are great candidates for the FaceTite procedure.

You should not undergo FaceTite if you:

  • Are currently pregnant
  • Have an ongoing skin condition or infection
  • Have lesions on the face
  • Have had recent injectable treatments such as Botox
  • Don’t have realistic expectations

Downtime and recovery

Mild swelling occurs during the recovery period that typically lasts for a few days. Ice and compression garments are recommended to help with healing. Because there are no incisions made like in invasive surgery, you are free to continue normal activities two days after treatment.

Discuss FaceTite and facelift alternatives at a consultation

Lotus Elite Aesthetics offers a range of alternatives to surgical procedures as the demand for minimally invasive treatments grows. Along with FaceTite, Morpheus8 is offered to improve the facial appearance along with our range of non-invasive body contouring procedures such as EmSculpt and BodyTite.

At your consultation, your unique concerns and aesthetic goals will be discussed to create an individualized treatment plan.

If you’re ready to take the first step in boosting your confidence and looking your best, schedule your consultation today!

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